Radiant Choices: Explore top 51 Maa Durga Names for Baby Girl

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Are you searching for maa durga names for baby girl. Choosing a name for your child is a significant effort because it holds the essence of identity and ancestry.

Turning to Maa Durga, the personification of feminine power in Hindu mythology, can be a lovely inspiration for individuals looking for a name that resonates with strength, grace, and divine energy.

In this blog post, we’ll look at some Maa Durga names for baby girl that have both spiritual meaning and timeless elegance.

Top 70 maa durga names for baby girl

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Represents Maa durga names for baby girl post.
  • Ambika is a name derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Amba,’ which means mother, and it embodies Maa Durga’s loving and protecting qualities.
  • Durga, which means “invincible,” is a name that reflects the goddess’s strength and bravery. It’s a traditional pick that emphasises strength and resilience.
  • Jaya, Meaning “victory,” Jaya is a name that represents triumph and achievement, imitating Maa Durga’s triumph over evil powers.
  • Shailja, which means “daughter of the mountain,” shows Maa Durga’s connection to the Himalayas, where she was born. It also conveys a sense of power and stability.
  • Bhavani is a name that emits maternal warmth and nurturing attributes, representing the goddess’s position as the giver of life.
  • Annapurna is a name that represents survival, resources, and maternal care, reflecting the goddess’s function as the provider of food.
  • Kanya, which is derived from the Sanskrit word for “virgin” or “a child,” reflects Maa Durga’s pure and unadulterated nature.
  • Sarika, which means “princess” or “the beloved,” gives a touch of royalty to your newborn girl’s name, matching Maa Durga’s royal approach.
  • Jayanti-In the context of Maa Durga, “Jayanti” represents the goddess’s winning nature, symbolising her triumph over hardships and challenges.
  • gauri-In the context of Maa Durga, “Gauri” emphasises the goddess’s impressing and fair appearance, which is commonly connected with her manifestation as Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva’s wife.
  • Siddhi-Siddhi” denotes the heavenly blessing of accomplishment and spiritual force in the context of Maa Durga. It represents achieving perfection and fulfilment via devotion and worship.
  • Shivaduti-In the context of Maa Durga, “Shivaduti” highlights her role as the messenger or emissary of Lord Shiva. It emphasizes the close association and divine connection between Maa Durga and Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology
  • harini- Harini” represents elegance and beauty in the context of Maa Durga, drawing a comparison between the goddess and the gentle, deer-like characteristics. It embodies the grace and dignity connected with Maa Durga’s heavenly form.
  • Vrisharudha-Vrisharudha emphasises the picture of Maa Durga riding a bull in the setting of Maa Durga. This emblem is connected with strength and power, emphasising Maa Durga’s capacity to overcome hurdles and challenges with tremendous force.
  • Vaishnavi-Vaishnavi denotes a connection to Lord Vishnu in the context of Maa Durga, emphasising the goddess’s affiliation with the divine and underscoring her status as a powerful and respected manifestation in Hindu mythology.
  • Devi- In Hindu mythology and religion, Devi represents Divine Motherhood, symbolising strength, compassion, and protecting force.
  • shakti- Shakti, associated with Maa Durga, embodies divine feminine energy, power, and creative force, representing the goddess’s dynamic side.
  • Adya- “Adya” highlights the divine quality of being the first or initial manifestation of the ultimate cosmic energy in the context of Maa Durga.
  • Chandrarupa-Chandrarupa, associated with Maa Durga, denotes a moon-like appearance, representing the goddess’s radiant and cosmic aspects in adoration.
  • Chitragandha-Chitragandha, which is linked with Maa Durga, may represent individuality or divine aroma, indicating distinguishing characteristics in the goddess’s varied nature and presence.
  • Prakriti-Prakriti, when associated with Maa Durga, represents nature or primal energy, symbolising the goddess’s function as the primary creative force.
  • Vidya-Vidya is associated with Maa Durga and represents knowledge, wisdom, and heavenly learning, as well as the goddess’s intellectual and spiritual strength in adoration.
  • varini- the giver of blessings, demonstrating Maa Durga’s kindness in delivering favours and satisfying devotees’ aspirations.
  • shruti- denoting heavenly revelation, the goddess is suggested as a wellspring of profound spiritual understanding and cosmic knowledge.
  • yogini- a celestial female yoga practitioner who connects Maa Durga with spiritual discipline and enlightenment
  • Shuchi-Denotes purity, emphasising the goddess’s pure and unblemished nature as a sign of divine strength.
  • Purna- Completeness, emphasising the completeness and perfection associated with Maa Durga’s heavenly presence.
  • tanaya- A symbol of daughterhood that acknowledges Maa Durga’s nurturing and protective nature in Hindu mythology.
  • Kshirabdhi- “Kshir” means “milk,” and “abdhi” means “ocean,” implying a “ocean of milk.” This represents Maa Durga’s divine form, which is replete with vast wisdom and compassion.
  • Nirupama-Means “unrivalled,” depicting Maa Durga as incomparable and unrivalled, indicating her uniqueness and her divine characteristics.
  • dhara-The term “Dhara” means “flow” or “stream.” It portrays Maa Durga in the context of a continual supply of assistance and nutrition to all living beings.
  • kusha-A sacred plant that represents the goddess’s link with purity, rituals, and divine ceremonies in Hindu devotion.
  • Nirvishesha-The attributeless aspect of Maa Durga, emphasising her existence beyond specific attributes and beyond all divisions
  • Nirlepaha-Stainlessness, emphasising Maa Durga’s flawless and untainted state, free of impurities or imperfections.
  • Nirguna-Reflecting attributelessness and emphasising Maa Durga’s formless and transcendent essence beyond material qualities.
  • shuddha-Purity, representing Maa Durga’s spotless and unadulterated nature as the epitome of divine cleanliness.
  • Nitya-Eternal and everlasting, representing the timeless essence of Maa Durga’s divine existence beyond the confines of time
  • mukta-Liberated, depicting Maa Durga as the personification of spiritual emancipation and escape from worldly bonds.
  • Nirupa-Formless, emphasising the goddess’s transcendence beyond physical forms, being in an attributeless and unlimited condition.
  • Sthulaa-Macrocosmic, portraying the goddess in her all-encompassing and vast form, spanning the entire cosmos.
  • Sukshmaa-Subtle and nuanced, indicating Maa Durga’s presence in the subtle parts of existence and spiritual realms.
  • Pashvi-earth-based, representing Maa Durga’s presence as the nurturing force on the earthly level, caring for everybody.
  • vyomaa- Celestial, depicting the goddess as transcendental and connected to the grandeur of the cosmos.
  • Prabha- Radiant and brilliant, symbolising Maa Durga’s holy glow that dispels darkness and ignorance in worship.
  • Pragalbha-Courage and boldness, depicting Maa Durga as the apex of power, bravery, and brazen determination in worship.
  • yajna-sacred ceremony in Hindu traditions that represents Maa Durga’s relationship with divine rites and cosmic order.
  • rati-Devotion and love, expressing the goddess’ heavenly love and the devotion she instills in her devotees.
  • tandraa-Alertness, emphasising Maa Durga’s alert and vigilant temperament, ensuring protection and awareness in all situations.
  • buddhi-Intellect, referring to Maa Durga as the personification of intellect, wisdom, and discernment in spiritual endeavours.
  • vriddhi-Prosperity and expansion, symbolising the goddess’ role in cultivating abundance and flourishing well-being.
  • vedaa-In Hindu texts, Veda represents Maa Durga as the wellspring of sacred knowledge and divine wisdom.

this is our list of Maa durga names for baby girl I hope you like it .

know unknown facts about Maa durga name.

know more baby girl names


Choosing a name for your baby girl is an important decision, and borrowing inspiration from Maa Durga’s heavenly traits can infuse it with spiritual and cultural richness. Whether you select a Maa Durga-inspired name for its strength, grace, or nurturing traits, each name conveys a distinct essence that connects your kid to the goddess’s tremendous lineage. May your child embody Maa Durga’s soul and flourish with power, wisdom, and grace.

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